Our company is accredited according to the TS EN ISO 17025 international standard. The certificates we provide with our ILAC MRA MLA IAAC Accreditation approval are valid in Türkiye and all countries around the world.
Certified as a company; We provide electrical calibration, temperature, pressure, torque, scales, dimensional calibration, accredited industrial calibration, consultancy and training services
As a company, we provide electrical calibration, temperature, pressure, torque, scales, dimensional, consultancy and training services.
In our laboratory, the calibration of torque measuring devices is measured precisely and meticulously. Some of the device groups we measure are l [..]
Our temperature calibration services are carried out in the range of -80 +1200 °C in accordance with TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Infared radia [..]
Manometer calibration Vacuum meter calibration vacuum manometer Compressor pressure gauge Pressure transmitter calibration Pressure switch cali [..]
The calibration of size measuring devices is measured precisely and meticulously in our laboratory. Calipers can measure up to 1000mm, micrometers c [..]
Scale calibration is usually done where the scale is located. In scale calibrations; By using E2, F1 and M1 class reference weights traceable to int [..]
Electrical calibration, AC-DC voltage, current, resistance, frequency and capacitance measurements of various types and measurement ranges are measu [..]